Data Acquisition Systems Manufacturer,Supplier and Exporter in India
Product Code : EL-DCANE-11483
Educational Lab Equipments is a leading Data Acquisition Systems Manufacturer,suppliers and Exporter in India
Data Acquisition Systems
OPC Server application: OPC server will read the raw data which was received by communication server application and convert the raw data to actual meter data.
User interface using web based application: Web server provides web based user application which will access using public IP where user should be able to login and get to know the details of their meter status and data. The business logic tier would service the requests made by the client tier. These requests could be automated, based on user-defined schedules or on-demand from the user. The collected data can be viewed in the form of customized reports. User can take print outs of these reports, export the data into spread sheets, or convert the data in the form of flat files. Utility Operation/Dashboard user will have the interface for supervisory activities involved in meter data acquisition, processing and analysis.
Communication server application: Communication server application will establish communication with modem associated to DCU and process the data sent by the device.
We are leading manufacturers, suppliers of Data Acquisition Systems for Data Communication and Networking Equipments. Contact us to get high quality Data Acquisition Systems for Data Communication and Networking Equipments for schools, colleges, universities, research labs, laboratories and various industries.
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